39 Things You Don’t Know About Me

I am in bed, having the worst cold ever. Of course it is not the worst ever, it just feels that way. My head is stuffed and so is my brain. Instead of writing something informative, thought-provoking or self-bitching, I decided to write something that hopefully will give my readers a glimpse of who is behind this blog.

This post is not about my reasoning for rent or buy decisions, high risk life insurance, or cause of unemployment. I don’t even write about these things, right? This post actually was prompted by Joe who blogs at Retire By 40. He thought I am in my twenties and was surprised to learn that I am older than he. It made me think that I need to properly introduce myself to my readers.

Without any further ado:


  1. I will be 39 years old this spring (this should explain the title of this post.)
  2. I speak three languages: Russian, Lithuanian and English.
  3. I am agnostic (note: it is very different from atheist, don’t be confused!) Yes, I don’t go to church.
  4. I became a U.S. citizen in 2009.
  5. 2012 will be my first presidential election that I can vote. Finally!
  6. I’ve been living in the U.S. 12 years.
  7. I don’t cook at home. Beaker does.
  8. I hate cleaning.
  9. I worry a lot about everything.
  10. I don’t watch sports. Not even basketball or ice skating.
  11. I don’t watch reality TV (because it sucks big time). My TV habit is good. Relatively.
  12. I relax the most when I read or mindlessly stare at the ocean.
  13. I drink a lot of green tea. And coffee.
  14. My favorite meat is lamb.
  15. I am a home body.
  16. I am addicted to a runner’s high.
  17. I am addicted to blogging.
  18. I love hiking, and I think that I don’t do it enough.
  19. I don’t like lifting weights but I think that I do it a lot.
  20. I cry at weddings.
  21. I cry at movies.
  22. I cry, reading a good and sad book.
  23. I think Harry Potter is overrated.
  24. I think Valentine’s is overrated.
  25. I always wanted to study English language and Russian literature, but instead I studied Library Science and Accounting.
  26. My favorite food is sushi.
  27. I prefer white wine to red.
  28. I am afraid to fly. You don’t want to sit next to me on a plane. Ever.
  29. I love horror movies.
  30. I acted in school theatre.
  31. I talk to my mother almost every day. But I don’t see her often enough.
  32. I live in Utah where we claim that we have the greatest snow on Earth, but I don’t ski.
  33. I prefer to live in a condo rather than in a house.
  34. I want a pink FIAT. Seriously.
  35. I hate clutter but I am good at creating it.
  36. I feel lonely on my birthdays. Always.
  37. I am a gambler (but thankfully I’m not the addictive type.)
  38. I would like to retire in Paris.
  39. I am a receipt hoarder.

53 thoughts on “39 Things You Don’t Know About Me”

    1. it’s funny how guys thought they are all older than I am, and girls thought we are the same age. 🙂

  1. This is good and I can use it to raise the veil a bit. You are a decade younger than me (but it doesn’t matter…really), on most of the questions it is a snap (frankly I think agnosticism has to do with a Christian Orthodox background; just like hedonistic abandonment without guilt) and the spooky one is Harry Potter (I have been having debates arguing that she is not a good writer and at first was heavily edited). But what is with white wine? Nothing beats a really good botle of red!

    Get well soon!

    1. When I was posting it, I thought “I bet Maria will throw a fit about my wine preferences.” I was right on! lol

  2. Nice to meet you, again! Honestly I didn’t see one thing on the list that would prevent us from being friends in real life. I am the son of an Eastern European immigrant, so I know where you are coming from.

    Hope you feel better!

  3. That is an awesome post. I feel like I know a lot more about you. It is interesting to get that sort of perspective on someone.

  4. aww Utah really is the best snow on earth. I lived there for awhile and it was great.. now I live in Canada where it is pretty ok too.

  5. Let’s see here- I’m 36, a Humanist (not agnostic or atheist, though they are often combined), love watching sports (except basketball and baseball- boring), am married to a homebody who doesn’t watch sports, don’t like wine at all…
    Which means you’re a perfect person for me to know. Life would be so uber boring if we were all alike

    1. We complete each other! lol Being a Humanist is a very altruistic intention. I am not sure I am there yet. 🙂

  6. I didn’t know you were 39! Happy birthday next year!!

    We have a lot in common 🙂

    I think harry potter and valentines day are overrated too.

    I also relax well when staring at the ocean (one of my favourite spots, being on the beach and listening to the waves) and I also worry a lot.

    1. Ocean produces the most relaxing sounds in the world! I can sit and stare and listen and be completely content.

    1. One of the reasons I posted this was to clarify few things about myself. People had all sort of ideas about me. 🙂

  7. I remembered from before that you were from Russia, but I thought you were in your late 20’s! From reading your list, I would say that we have a lot in common…now if I could only write as well as you!

  8. Lisa @ Cents To Save

    I always thought you were younger! And I like white wine more that red… especially Moscato 🙂

  9. Pingback: Weekend Ramblings and PF Blog Love: Traffic Jam Edition | youngandthrifty.ca

  10. Cool post! Thanks for telling us more about yourself. I like the way you went about it.
    Enjoy your 1st opportunity to vote in the presidential election!

  11. Great to learn more about you Aloysa! I kinda thought you were in your 30’s and knew you were Lithuanian. Your pic reminds me of Nagel. Get rid of those receipts unless it’s a big purchase or if you are writing it off. I prefer white and Paris rocks!

  12. This is very brave of you – revealing your age, likes, dislikes, etc. Great way to interject some personality back into the mix. I can safely say we have a lot in common – especially the horror movies. I just love them!

  13. Hey Aloysa, I stumbled upon this post and couldn’t resist listing all that we share in common. 🙂

    * I worry a lot about everything. Check

    * I don’t watch sports. Not even basketball or ice skating. Check (but I used to love going to high school basketball games when my cousins played, I also used to love watching the NBA games before they traded many of my fav players)

    * I relax the most when I read or mindlessly stare at the ocean. Check (no ocean nearby, but this Pisces is a true water lover)

    * I am a home body. Check (I plan to start going more, because there are so many places I wish to explore, but I live as a homebody)

    * I think Harry Potter is overrated. Check (hope any wizards aren’t around, but I never understood the magic behind gaining such a huge fan base — J.K.R. success definitely inspires many writers however)

    * I am afraid to fly. You don’t want to sit next to me on a plane. Ever. Check (sooo me)

    * I love horror movies. Check (sooo me, but unfortunately, nowadays I find it challenging to find one worth the watch)

    * I feel lonely on my birthdays. Always. Check (teary-eyed, I know the feeling!)

    * I am a gambler (but thankfully I’m not the addictive type.) Check (back to the homebody thingy above, hitting the casino’s in the nearest state is pretty much the only time I get out, shame on me)

    1. Interesting how much you have in common with Aloysa, but I don’t think she read your response. Nice when you have readers that take out the time to read every detail.

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