
Hello Readers

My blogger’s name is Aloysa (made up by me from male’s name Aloysius), and this is my story:


I was born and raised in the Soviet Republic of Lithuania. The rich were frowned upon. The poor were respected. The Soviet Union stores were dull, dark, depressing and unfilled. Even if they would have been bright, cheerful and overflowing with goods, not a lot of people would be able to afford to shop anyway.

Back in 2011, I started Blogging about my personal finances and shopping addiction and there were moments in life I was completely broke. However then I decided to make more money than I could spend. Internet and E-commerce were booming that time and there were thousand of people making money sitting at home, either blogging or selling products. Since then I have been doing the same and now I earn six figure income only through passive sources.

Follow me to learn more about it and don’t forget to  subscribe.

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. I love your honestly as well. Blogging will help you stay on the right track. Even if you slip up, and we all do. You’ll be inspired to get back on track by your fellow bloggers.

    You can do it!

  2. It’s rare that people are as honest with themselves as you are. To be cheesy, “knowing is half the battle” in self change. To improve yourself, you need to know what it is you need to improve. You have a clear understanding of habits you want to modify. Good luck in your journey to make new habits… so you don’t even have time to lust after bags and clothes!

  3. I understand!! I’ve been there and done that! Consider coming to the Dave Ramsey forums. You’ll get new readers and make new friends … People who are having fun paying down debt and building wealth. I’m there (I’m gmcavana over there) and we also live the finer things in life. Being frugal doesn’t mean living miserly! It just means going for what you really want and not letting shiny things steal your dreams. I’d live for you to visit my blog too (there’s. Blog tab at top of my website when you click on my name.)

  4. Hi Aloysa,
    When it comes to debt, we’re pretty much all in the same boat. Sadly, most of the experts don’t admit to their personal flaws so it’s good to see you starting off with a candid admission about your shopping habits. That said, there’s nothing wrong with being a shopaholic – if you have the money 🙂

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