Sunday Reading Salon

If you are like me, then on Sunday morning you drink your morning coffee and browse through PF blogs. If you are like me, you are using Sunday to catch up with reading and networking. These are some great articles I stumbled upon (in no particular order) this week:

Investorz Blog started a new series of interviews with PF bloggers. His first installment is Interview with Investor Robert from The College Investor. Check it out and find out how Robert invests his money.

The College Investor shares with us his blog progress in Fall 2011 Update. I have to tell you that his progress is more than impressive.

One Cent at a Time explains to us What is Personal Finance? and covers its basic principles. Refreshing indeed!

The Debt Myth talks about how it is possible to get out of debt if you Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. Do you do that?

Financial Success for Young Adults has a very tasty post Entrepreneur Fridays: Apple Butter Bakery about cakes that look like designer bags. I want one!

Fat Guy Skinny Wallet is Trying To Replicate My Marine Workout. Let’s wish him good luck!

Personal Finance Whiz discusses How To Grocery Shop on A Budget. Great article and a must read for us all!

Not Made of Money gives us Helpful Tips For Keeping Your Holiday Budget Under Control. It is a very timely post. At least for me.

Money Green Life encourages us to Invest in Your Car Now To Save in The Future. We all should consider it!

Squirellers talks about 8 Benefits of Using Credit Cards – For those With Discipline. Excellent post! If only I would have that discipline.


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